Line Array Sound System Rental: Frequently Asked Questions

Alquiler de sistemas de sonido Line Array

When planning a show, concert or event of great magnitude, either in an indoor or outdoor space the first thing you think about is the artists, the location, the type of attendees, food, security, date, and the ideal season. However, you can’t leave out having a good professional sound system. This is where Line Array sound system rental makes sense and becomes essential.

You’ve probably heard of great speakers for concerts and festivals, but don’t know their correct name. Don’t worry, no one is born knowing everything, and you don’t need to be an expert on the subject. But if you are organizing an event, it is essential that you know properly how to make the rental of professional Line Array sound systems to ensure that the message of those who present clearly reaches all attendees.

In this article, from Edgar Vasquez Audiovisual Services as a professional sound company located in Barcelona, with over a decade of experience, we will share with you the 10 frequently asked questions that every customer asks when looking to hire a professional sound service with the support and guarantee of qualified technicians in addition to making the rental of sound equipment for large concerts.

Qué es un sistema de sonido Line Array para eventos

1. What is a Line Array sound system for events?

A line array sound system is a set of loudspeakers arranged in a vertical line. These speakers are designed to work together, providing a clear and uniform sound in large spaces, ideal for events such as concerts and congresses.

What makes Line Array sound systems special is their ability to distribute sound evenly over long distances, minimizing quality loss and ensuring that all attendees, no matter where they are, enjoy an excellent sound experience.

Qué clases de sistemas de sonido Line Arrays existen

2. What kinds of Line Array sound systems are there?

- Passive Line Array

These devices require an external amplifier. They are more flexible in terms of configuration, but much more technical knowledge is needed to operate them properly. And also more time for installation and adjustments.

If when requesting a quote for the rental of Line Array sound systems, power amplifiers or amplifiers are also included in the list of materials, do not panic, these are necessary elements for the operation of this type of sound equipment.

- Self-Powered Line Array

These systems have built-in amplifiers, making them easier to set up and use. They are ideal if you are looking for a simpler solution without sacrificing sound quality.

Currently, these systems are usually compact line arrays, also known as mini line arrays. An example is the RCF HDL 6-A line arraywith self-powered loudspeakers weighing only 12 kg including the integrated power amplifier. The main advantage of this equipment is its quick and easy assembly, which reduces the need to hire a lot of technical personnel.

Qué tipos de montajes de sonido Line Array existen

3. What types of line array sound systems are there?

To hiring a professional sound companyWhen hiring a professional sound company, it is critical that the technical manager properly plan the available sound system configurations for the entire venue and stage. This ensures optimal sound distribution and an exceptional listening experience for all attendees, including the audience, performers and special guests. Here are some of the types of assemblies of a Line Array equipment:

Line Array para Main Fill

- Line Array for Main Fill

Main Fill loudspeakers are the main loudspeakers in any event sound setup, covering most of the audience area. Their main purpose is to provide large coverage and powerful sound output, essential for large events. The sound power of these speakers generally varies between 1000 and 3000 watts per speaker, and their horizontal dispersion angle is usually between 90° and 120°.

Line Array para Down Fill

Line Array for Down Fill

Down Fill loudspeakers are used to cover the areas immediately in front of the stage that the Main Fills might not adequately reach. These baffles ensure that these areas receive clear and accurate sound. The sound power of down fills is generally lower than that of main fills, ranging from 500 to 1500 watts per speaker. Their dispersion angle is wider, around 120° to 150° horizontal.

Line Array para Out Fill

Line Array for Out Fill

The Out Fill loudspeakers are responsible for covering the sides of the audience area, ensuring that all attendees have a uniform sound experience. This configuration is crucial to avoid dead spots on the sides of the audience. The sound power of the Out Fills is similar to that of the Main Fills, generally from 1000 to 3000 watts per loudspeaker. Their horizontal dispersion angle is usually around 90°.

Line Array para Front Fill

Line Array for Front Fill

Front Fill speakers are smaller and are placed at the edge of the stage to cover the front rows of the audience, where direct sound from the Main Fills may be insufficient. These speakers enhance the sound experience for the audience closer to the stage. The sound power of the Front Fills is lower, varying between 500 and 1000 watts per speaker, with a very wide dispersion angle of 120° to 180° horizontally.

Line Array para Side Fill

Line Array for Side Fill

Side Fill loudspeakers are placed on the sides of the stage and are crucial for events where wider sound coverage is needed. These speakers improve sound perception at events with larger side spaces. The sound power of Side Fills is similar to that of Main Fills, ranging from 1000 to 3000 watts per speaker, with a dispersion angle of 90° to 120°.

Line Array para Drum Fill

Line Array for Drum Fill

Drum Fill speakers are specially designed to provide drummers with a clear and powerful sound reference, which is essential to keep the right rhythm during performances. These baffles have a high sound power, usually between 1000 and 2000 watts per speaker, and a narrow dispersion angle of about 60° horizontally.

Line Array para Delays​

Line Array for Delays

Delay towers are placed away from the stage to synchronize the sound with the Main Fill speakers, ensuring that it reaches all areas of the audience at the same time. These speakers are intended to complement the main sound system (P.A), eliminating phase shifts and improving the listening experience for all attendees. The sound power is typically 1000W to 3000W RMS per speaker, with a dispersion angle of 90° horizontal.

Cuál es la mejor marca de sonido en Line Arrays

4. What is the best sound brand in Line Arrays?

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of variety of professional speaker brands, choosing one as the best can be. Choosing just one as the best can be complicated due to the different technical needs of each event.

However, there are always the favorites of live sound technicians, here are some of the most recognized brands of Line Array systems:

Line Arrays RCF

- RCF Line Arrays

With over 70 years of experience, RCF, founded in 1949 in Reggio Emilia, Italy, is known for its innovation in sound technology and its wide range of products for various events. Among its featured events are Coachella and Rock in Rio, where its equipment has demonstrated exceptional performance.

The HDL series series is one of the most recognized of the brand, appreciated for its reliability and sound quality in the industry with the best price/quality ratio. This makes it one of the preferred rental Line Array sound systems for events.

Line Arrays JBL

- JBL Line Arrays

With a history of over 75 years, JBL, founded in 1946 in Los Angeles, USA, is a giant in the professional audio industry, famous for its quality and durability. Their systems have been used in high-profile events such as the Super Bowl and the Glastonbury Festival.

The VTX series, one of its best known models, stands out for its use in large concerts and festivals around the world, providing a powerful and clear sound.

Line Arrays Meyer Sound

- Meyer Sound Line Arrays

With over 40 years of experience, Meyer Sound, founded in 1979 in Berkeley, USA, is renowned for its precision and clarity of sound. Their sound equipment has been used in prominent events such as the Montreux Jazz Festival and numerous Broadway shows.

The LEO series series is highly regarded in the industry for its ability to handle large shows with exceptional sound quality.

Line Arrays L-Acoustic

- L-Acoustic Line Arrays

With 40 years of experience, L-Acoustics, founded in 1984 in Marcoussis, France, is a leader in line array technology, known for its innovation and quality. Its systems have been used at iconic events such as Tomorrowland and Hollywood Bowl.

The K Series is one of the brand’s most widely used, offering a first-class sound experience at high-profile events.

Line Arrays d&B Audiotechnik

- Line Arrays d&B Audiotechnik

With over 40 years of experience, d&b audiotechnik, founded in 1981 in Backnang, Germany, is known for its precision and consistency in sound. Their systems have been used in events such as the Glastonbury Festival and the FIFA World Cup.

The J-Series is one of its flagship lines, used at global events for its ability to deliver powerful and clear sound, making it a preferred choice for many audio professionals.

Cuántos watts debe tener un buen sistema Line Array

5. How many watts should a good line array system have?

If you are thinking about quality sound equipment rental this is a frequently asked question. The power of a good Line Array sound system can vary, but generally, for large events, you need between 1000 and 3000 watts per speaker to ensure optimal coverage and sound quality.

  • Small events up to 100 people a Line Array equipment between 8,000W and 10,000W RMS.
  • Medium sized events up to 300 people with a Line Array sound between 10,000W and 16,000W RMS.
  • Large events up to 600 people a Line Array system between 16,000 and 32,000W RMS.


On the other hand, it is crucial to remember that power is not everything. The distribution of the loudspeakers is also fundamental. In fact, it is preferable to get a uniform sound throughout the venue than to have high power only at the front from the stage.

Qué accesorios incluye un sistema de sonido Line Array

6. What accessories are included in a Line Array sound system?

Bumper para line array

- Bumper for line array

They are essential for hanging loudspeakers securely and stably. There are several types of bumpers, including fixed bumpers, designed for specific, non-adjustable configurations; adjustable bumpers, which allow you to modify the tilt and spacing between loudspeakers; and modular bumpers, composed of interchangeable parts to suit different configurations and sizes of line array systems.

Pernos para line array

- Line array bolts

They ensure the connection and stability of the line array modules. The angles of the Line Array modules are crucial to properly direct the sound and vary from 0° to 10° or more, depending on the need of the event. These angles allow adjusting the sound coverage for different sizes and shapes of venues, ensuring that all attendees receive an optimal listening experience.

Torres elevadores para Line Array

- Line Array lifting towers

Line Array lifting towers allow to raise the loudspeakers to the required height for better sound dispersion. Three well-known brands of lifting towers are Global Truss, renowned for its quality and durability in lifting structures; Prolyte, famous for its innovations and safe solutions for lifting equipment; and Eurotruss, which offers a wide range of reliable and robust products for events of all kinds.

Estructuras para line array (Truss)

- Line array structures (Truss)

Truss structures support and hold the loudspeaker system in the correct position. Three well-known brands in this field are Prolyte, a market leader in quality and versatility; Global Truss, recognized for offering robust and safe products for all types of events; and Fantek, which provides innovative and high-quality solutions suitable for various stage and event applications.

Software de predicción y medición acústica

- Acoustic measurement and prediction software:

Software such as Ease Focus, Mapp XT, Soundvision y ArrayCalc are essential for predicting how the sound will behave in different subwoofer configurations and arrays (LR, together in the center, inverted stack, End Fired, in-line, oriented electronic arc). Also, software for equipment calibration such as RDNET y Smaart Live are essential.

Cómo funciona el alquiler de sistemas Line Array

How does the rental of Line Array systems work?

The rental process generally includes the selection of the appropriate equipment, transportation, installation and calibration by specialized sound technicians. Be sure to discuss all details with the supplier to avoid surprises.

Step 1: Research and Contact

Research and select sound companies that offer Line Array sound system rental services. Check their websites, read reviews and ask for recommendations. Once you’ve identified a few options, contact the companies to discuss your specific needs, the type of event, the size of the venue and any special requirements.

Step 2: Consultation and Quotation

Schedule a consultation with the selected companies to discuss your needs in detail. During this stage, the technicians will evaluate the venue and recommend the most suitable equipment. Request detailed quotations that include all costs: equipment rental, transportation, installation, calibration and any additional services. Be sure to compare proposals to make an informed decision.

Step 3: Contracting and Coordination

Once you have selected the right company, sign a contract specifying all terms and conditions, including equipment details, services provided, set-up and tear-down times, and cancellation policies. Coordinate with the company to plan the logistics of the event, ensuring that equipment arrives on time and that technicians are available for installation and calibration prior to the event.
Maintain constant communication to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Cuánto cuesta alquilar un sistema de sonido Line Array

How much does it cost to rent a Line Array sound system?

The cost of renting a line array sound system is very relative as it can vary widely depending on the size of the system, the duration of the rental, the brand of equipment, the model of the speakers and the additional services required for set-up and dismantling.

The right thing is always to contact a company specializing in sound rental for events and request a quote based on the characteristics of the space and number of simultaneous listeners. However, here are some prices for rental of Line Array sound systems in Spain.

  • To rent a line array between 8,000W and 10,000W RMS about 500€ and 700€.
  • To rent a line array between 12.000W and 16.000W RMS about 700€ 960€.
  • To rent a line array between 16,000W and 32,000W RMS about 960€ and 1800€.

It should be noted that these line array loudspeaker rental prices do not include logistics costs such as transportation or technical personnel for assembly and disassembly, nor do they include infrastructure, necessary cabling and additional equipment for control and sound, such as digital mixing consoles or instrument microphones.
Ventajas del alquiler de line array para grandes eventos

9. Advantages of line array rental for large events

Renting a line array sound system offers numerous advantages if done correctly. Some people think that, being a group of baffles, it can be easily installed and used, but this is not the case.

This type of equipment requires advanced technical knowledge, which only a group of experts can provide. The following are the main advantages of renting a Line Array system for events.

- Professional Sound Quality:

It guarantees a high quality sound experience, with equipment designed to provide clarity and power for large-scale events.

- Savings on Initial Investment:

Avoid high equipment purchase costs.
Rental allows access to advanced technology without the need for a large initial investment.

- Specialized Technical Support:

It includes the assistance of professional technicians who are in charge of installation, calibration and monitoring, ensuring optimal system performance.

- Flexibility and Updating:

It allows you to choose the right equipment for each specific event and access the latest technologies without worrying about equipment depreciation.

- Less Logistics:

The rental company takes care of the transportation, installation and dismantling of the equipment, freeing you from the logistical management and allowing you to concentrate on other crucial aspects of the event.

Dónde puedes alquilar un Line Array en Barcelona

Where can you rent a Line Array in Barcelona?

First of all, we want to thank you for coming this far. We are proud to be able to help you with our advice and experience in sound and lighting for events.

If you need a sound company with proven experience for the rental of Line Array systems for your next event, including set-up and dismantling by specialized technicians, from Edgar Vásquez Audiovisual Services in Barcelona we are at your disposal. We guarantee that our equipment will work perfectly and are in excellent condition.

Do not hesitate to contact us, leave us a message and we will contact you soon.


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Picture of Edgar Vásquez
Edgar Vásquez
Gran apasionado por el mundo de los eventos y experto técnico audiovisual con amplio conocimiento en Servicios Audiovisuales para eventos. 15 Años de experiencia, extraordinarias anécdotas y conocimientos por compartir.
Picture of Edgar Vásquez
Edgar Vásquez
Gran apasionado por el mundo de los eventos y experto técnico audiovisual con amplio conocimiento en Servicios Audiovisuales para eventos. 15 Años de experiencia, extraordinarias anécdotas y conocimientos por compartir.


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